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Hey, I'm Abhi.

I am beyond bald and brown.


Abhi Vish ALYV

Abhi Vish

Founder, ALYV

Image by Adrien Olichon


Let me explain:


What do I see when I look in the mirror?

A bald brown guy stares back at me.

But if you think about it, it will become a lot clearer...

There's more to me than what I see.


That didn't really help did it?? Okay, here's a quick video:

Black Metal

Not-so-Frequently Asked Questions

'Be the change you want to see in the world'... I thought Mahatma Gandhi said that, but it turns out he didn't. Apparently he actually said something much longer, but other people decided to shorten it to one simple line! Anyway, the message is still the same. 

So, if I want the world to move towards oneness, surely I should I start with me? This is where going beyond bald and brown comes into the picture. Rather than typing it all out, I've recorded a video instead:

Call me naive, but I cannot stop dreaming of a world where all of us relate to each other as ONE. Not equal, but one. Hmmm...okay, but what does that mean?


Well, 'equality' is a hot topic these days and rightly so. However, we seem to be overlooking something significant. 


Think about this... When we try and make two people 'equal', where do we start? Well, we begin by identifying all the differences between them... black/white, rich/poor, man/woman, gay/straight, educated/uneducated and so on. 


And in the process of trying to establish equality, we end up creating a massive divide between big groups of people. Equal in theory but divided in reality. Don't get me wrong, equality is a great first step, considering the history of humanity. However, I cannot help but dream of the next level... ONENESS. 


Imagine a world where we relate to each other as one. A world where we are able to look past gender, colour, nationality etc, and see the human in all of us. The idea of such a world excites me! How would things work in this world? What would governments look like? How would capitalism evolve to support such a world? Would there be crime?


Now do you see why I started by saying 'call me naive...'?? Hey but think about it, what's the point in becoming an interplanetary species only to wage war on other planets?


So yes, the VISION is a world that's built on oneness


And the MISSION is to shift humanity towards oneness


Before you dismiss me as a crazy hippie, I want to mention that I am an engineer and I've worked as a technology consultant helping some of the world's largest companies bring products to market. The logical side is very much alive in me and continues to guide me to this day.


But let's now move on to some more crazy stuff... 

Not-so-Frequently Asked Questions

  • If there's ONE thing you can change in the world, what would it be?
    Well, I cannot stop dreaming of a world where all of us relate to each other as ONE. Not equal, but one. When that one change happens, I think a LOT of other things will change.
  • Hang on, but what does that even mean??
    Well, 'equality' is a hot topic these days and rightly so. However, we seem to be overlooking something significant. Think about this... When we try to make two groups of people 'equal', where do we start? We begin by identifying all the differences between them... black/white, rich/poor, men/women, educated/uneducated and so on. We then artificially try and make things ‘equal’ between ‘different’ groups of human beings. And in the process of trying to establish equality, we end up creating a massive divide between big groups of people. Don't get me wrong, equality is a great first step, considering the history of humanity. However, I cannot help but dream of the next level... ONENESS. You see, equality is in itself built on difference. Whereas oneness is all about going beyond difference itself.
  • What will oneness mean in practice?
    For starters, we will not be able to intentionally hurt ourselves (each other and self). Look, there’s already a lot of unintentional hurt, such as unrequited love, and external factors such as natural disasters and viruses that can cause a lot of damage. But intentional hurt is something we should go beyond and I think oneness will help us get there. I think it will be a very exciting chapter in human evolution. How would things work in this world…governance, economics? Would our focus shift more towards exploring the universe? I know there’s a lot of talk already about becoming an interplanetary species, but what’s the point if we are just going to wage wars on other planets?? By the way, I understand how all this may seem philosophical or even naive, but I really do think oneness is possible.
  • So is that the VISION?
    Yes, the vision is a world that's built on oneness.
  • And the MISSION?
    The mission is to shift humanity towards oneness. I'd like to work on projects that contribute to this mission of bringing people together. Some may have a direct impact, some might be indirect, but this mission will be my North Star.
  • Is that why you started ALYV?
    Yes and No. I started ALYV because I simply cannot let anyone silently suffer through life the way I did for many years wondering what's the point of it all. The objective of ALYV is to revolutionize how people perceive life itself and upgrade theirs to one that truly feels alive. As people use the ALYV app and go through the program, oneness will be a natural by-product.
  • Why should anyone listen to you? What is your background and qualifications?
    To be honest, I am NOBODY. I am more ordinary than most people. But that's exactly why I think it's important for me to share my message. If I can transform my life, then anybody can. I am simply sharing what worked for me. People have started to tell me that it works for them too. I am not sure if my background or qualifications are relevant, but here they are anyway: I have a Masters in Engineering; I worked as a technology consultant helping some of the world's largest companies bring products to market; I also attended and completed short courses on Psychology, Philosophy of Mind and Metaphysics at the University of Oxford, UK.
  • How can someone get in touch with you?
    The best option would be to use the form below.

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Feedback, thoughts, questions? Working on a project that also brings people together? I'd love to hear from you. Please use the form below to get in touch. Thank you!

Black Metal

Not-so-Frequently Asked Questions

If there's ONE thing you can change in the world, what would it be?


Well, I cannot stop dreaming of a world where all of us relate to each other as ONE. Not equal, but one. When that one change happens, I think a LOT of other things will change.


Interesting, but what does that mean??


Well, 'equality' is a hot topic these days and rightly so. However, we seem to be overlooking something significant.

Think about this... When we try and make two people 'equal', where do we start? We begin by identifying all the differences between them... black/white, rich/poor, man/woman, gay/straight, educated/uneducated and so on.

And in the process of trying to establish equality, we end up creating a massive divide between big groups of people. Equal in theory but divided in reality. Don't get me wrong, equality is a great first step, considering the history of humanity. However, I cannot help but dream of the next level... ONENESS.


Right, so what do you think will change?


That's the exciting part! Imagine a world where we relate to each other as one. A world where we are able to look past gender, colour, nationality etc, and see the human in all of us.


How would things work in this world? What would governments look like? How would capitalism evolve to support such a world? Would there be crime?


I know it's ambitious or maybe I am being naive, but think about it, what's the point in becoming an interplanetary species only to wage war on other planets?


So is that the VISION?


Yes, the vision is a world that's built on oneness.

And do you have a MISSION?


The mission is to shift humanity towards oneness. I'd like to work on projects that contribute to this mission of bringing people together. Some may have a direct impact, some might be indirect, but this mission will be my North Star.


Is that why you started ALYV?


Yes and No. I started ALYV because I don't want anyone to silently suffer the way I did for many years wondering what's the point of it all. The objective is to help people 'feel alive' and trigger a significant positive shift in how they experience life itself.


As people use the ALYV app and go through the program, oneness will be a by-product.


Why should anyone listen to you? What is your background and qualifications?

To be honest, I am NOBODY. I am more ordinary than most people. But that's exactly why I think it's important for me to share my message. If I can transform my life, then anybody can. I am simply sharing what worked for me. People have started to tell me that it works for them too.


I am not sure if my background or qualifications are relevant, but here they are anyway: I have a Masters in Engineering; I worked as a technology consultant helping some of the world's largest companies bring products to market; I also attended and completed short courses on Psychology, Philosophy of Mind and Metaphysics at the University of Oxford, UK.


How can someone get in touch with you?

The best option would be to use the form below.

Black Background

A few things I keep reminding myself...

TIRO. TIRO. (Time Is Running Out)

Remember that right now is the youngest you will ever be. If not now, then when?

Humans are not equal. We are the same. Nothing to compare here. Stop.

A human universe built on oneness will be simply amazing. (VISION)

Do what you can to inspire others logically to see the potential of such a universe. (MISSION)

You're more 'extra' ordinary than 'extraordinary'. But that's why you must share what has worked for you.

Your world might be small, but THE world is huge. Your opportunity to serve is immense.

In the 21st century, More Money = More Options. Nothing more, nothing less.

There's no such thing as owning or losing. There's only experiencing.

The human body makes/made this experience possible. Take care.

And yeah, tick tock, tick tock... so, enjoy the ride.
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